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What is Disney+ Hotstar subscription?
Disney+ Hotstar is an online video streaming platform that offers over 100,000 hours of TV content and movies in 9 languages, as well as live coverage of every major sport. Disney+ Hotstar is the most comprehensive video destination for OTT video watchers.
Hotstar subscriptions allow you to view Hotstar specials, IPL, Live Sports, and movies in Bengali, Oria, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, English, and Korean.
Is Hotstar available for free in India?
Hotstar allows viewers to watch free TV shows, Live Sports and movies online. Certain episodes and movies, however, are exclusively available to premium customers.
Access Hotstar From Everywhere
Disney+ Hotstar is available for mobile and tablet applications on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, and can be accessed via www.hotstar.com.
Hotstar Available for Outside India
Hotstar is available in which countries?
- India
- Indonesia
- Malaysia
- Thailand
- Vietnam
- Singapore
- Philippines
- Canada
- United States of America
- United Kingdom